
This Campaign Type Has Generated $30M+ In Sales In 5 Years

In the world of ecommerce, finding creative ways to engage customers is critical for driving conversions. Ramzey Nassar, founder of DOE Media (formerly Prolific Media), has found a unique solution that’s helped clients generate more than $30M in sales over five years. In a recent episode of Ecommerce Marketing School, Ramzey dives deep into the success of his spin-to-win campaigns and how this strategy has transformed ecommerce retention and revenue growth.

Overcoming Client Resistance

When DOE Media pitches spin-to-win campaigns to new clients, they often face skepticism. The idea of gamifying a pop-up and offering incentives can initially seem “tacky” or off-brand for many companies. However, Ramzey’s mantra of “data over ego” is at the heart of his approach, and he emphasizes that data doesn’t lie. With an average take rate of 15–20% compared to the industry standard of around 5%, the numbers speak for themselves.

Ramzey shares that most brands are hesitant at first, but when he explains the power of the data behind these campaigns and showcases case studies of brands that have succeeded with the strategy, they become more willing to test the waters. He reassures clients by promising to display the spin-to-win wheel only on exit intent and only once every 180 days to avoid annoying users.

A Data-Driven Approach

What sets DOE Media apart is its strong emphasis on data. Ramzey’s approach is built on the belief that decisions should be guided by hard evidence rather than assumptions or emotions. By comparing results from spin-to-win campaigns with more traditional pop-ups, it’s clear that interactive elements like this offer greater value.

DOE Media takes it a step further by setting up nurture sequences in email marketing platforms like Klaviyo. These sequences are tailored specifically for customers who engage with the spin-to-win wheel, ensuring that even if they don’t convert immediately, they remain in the funnel. Over time, this increases the likelihood of conversion through multiple touchpoints.

Savannah Bee Company: A Case Study

One standout example of the effectiveness of DOE Media’s spin-to-win campaign comes from the Savannah Bee Company. Despite initial resistance from the team, Ramzey pushed forward with the “data over emotion” philosophy. After a year of discussions and persistence, the Savannah Bee Company agreed to give it a try.

Their custom-designed spin-to-win wheel, which reflected their brand aesthetics, became one of the best Ramzey had ever seen. By embedding a background image of their founder and tweaking the design to reflect the brand’s colors, Savannah Bee ensured the campaign felt natural and aligned with their overall site experience.

Fast forward 30 days from launch, and the results were undeniable. The spin-to-win campaign generated over $100,000 in sales, putting it on track to bring in over $1M annually—a testament to the power of this gamified approach when it is aligned with brand aesthetics.

Spin-to-Win Beyond List Growth

While the primary goal of spin-to-win is often to drive list growth and capture leads, Ramzey has expanded its use to drive immediate sales, particularly for end-of-season or surplus inventory. By targeting existing customers through email and leading them to a spin-to-win page with offers, brands can see an immediate impact on same-day sales.

For example, during Q5, which refers to the post-Cyber Monday period, brands often need to push surplus inventory. Ramzey suggests using spin-to-win to engage loyal customers and clear out products. This strategic use of spin-to-win shows that it can be versatile, not just for list growth but also for real-time revenue generation.


Ramzey Nassar’s spin-to-win strategy has proven to be a game-changer for ecommerce brands, generating significant revenue while engaging customers in a fun and interactive way. By combining thoughtful design, data-driven decision-making, and effective email nurturing, DOE Media has transformed what many brands once saw as a gimmick into a powerful revenue driver.

The success of clients like Savannah Bee Company is a reminder that sometimes, it’s worth pushing past initial resistance to see the results data can deliver. Whether it’s increasing list growth or driving immediate sales, spin-to-win is a tool that should be in every ecommerce brand’s marketing arsenal.